Friday, October 28, 2016

The Solution to Every Problem in the World?

This article might as well have been titled How to attract cynicism to an article 101. Think about it: a solution that would put an end to any war, poverty, crisis, power struggle, divorce, fear, illness, abuse, etc. One can hardly imagine the kind of utopia we would live in... but what if that solution really existed?

As you know by now, this blog is brought together by a bunch of friends who study the wisdom of authentic Kabbalah as students of Dr. Michael Laitman. As per the above video, our teacher explains that everything in the world is interconnected. So if the one thing that is common to everything is connection and we are looking for a single remedy to all the problems, what is the one thing we need to heal?

You get 10 points if you answered "connection".

The right connection between us will influence human society and the environment - nature. Through our balanced relationships we can balance the whole of nature that's below us. That is our only weapon and the right solution.

We learn a very practical way of achieving this: roundtable workshops. This is a simple method aimed at discussing issues in a group through questions that every member responds following the "rules of the workshop":

You may wonder: how can a roundtable workshop settle all the problems in the world?

The rules of the workshop are designed in such a way that one brings down one's ego to the benefit of the group. When every member of the group achieves this, the members bond and become as one, thereby balancing relationships between themselves and with nature which is below them. This balance is the remedy to all the problems in the world.

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