Saturday, November 5, 2016

Objects in the Mirror are Closer Than They Appear

Recently, this group of friends has been reflecting on the nature of our relationships between us and between people in general. Our teacher Dr. Laitman has an interesting point of view to share with us. In the following video, he is answering the following question: "How should we perceive reality?"

Ok, ok. All the events of my life happen inside of me. Then who are the people around me? Thankfully, a smart student has asked this question already. This is the answer from Dr. Laitman:

What mirror?
Our teacher tells us that our reality reflects inner states that we experience. In that sense, we can say that one's environment - mainly people around - are one's mirror as it paints one's inner state. Yes, I realize this can sometimes be a bitter pill to swallow. Hopefully, this video can help:

While we are learning to take responsibility for our inner states, media is filled with horrific stories and power struggles that are founded on the premise that a certain category of the population is responsible for all the problems of the world. Countries against countries, generational, gender and racial issues... where does it all end?

We will all agree, I hope, that any form of racism in year 2016 is socially unacceptable. Perhaps, then, some people don't believe anti-Semitism is racism? The reason I ask is that according to serious pollings conducted by ADL Global 100, no less than 1.09 billion people globally have anti-Semitic attitudes and one person out of three believe that the holocaust - which is well-documented - is a myth!

I hope to live long enough to look at anti-Semitism in the rear-view mirror.

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